Castaway Critters, the James A. Hueholt Memorial Foundation
Offering Hope and new beginnings to the lost and forgotten, the sick, and the abandoned
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Spirit - dumped out of a car & abandoned! Spirit was seen being thrown from a car in the Annville area and volunteers worked tirelessly to try to catch this poor, scared girl who had NO idea what had happened to her or why. After a week of valiant efforts, she was caught, vetted and promptly adopted by a loving, caring, doting family. She loves to sit in her living room window where she enjoys watching the people and other dogs go by! Spirit has gone from rags to riches, as is the case with many Castaway Critters! One more very lucky dog! :)
Eddie - too sweet for words! Eddie was rescued from a shelter in W. Virginia where he spent almost 6 months becoming a shelter favorite with his great personality and charming nature! But when the weather turned bitterly cold, it was determined that it would be more kind to euthanize this Pit Bull than to allow him to live outdoors (no inside facilities:) and risk freezing to death with the very thin fur that is typical of this breed. It is at this point that Castaways stepped in and here is Eddie's most recent picture, loving his new canine brother, Kane. He now has a fenced in yard in which to run and play and is a loving, cherished part of his new family.
Charlie - Purebred Maltese When Charlie was rescued, this poor boy was literally THROWN at us by his owner who relinquished him willfully. He was flea and tick infested, missing most of his fur, emaciated and just simply neglected. His most recent picture was just taken with Charlie's new human baby brother. The family is delighted with both baby boys! :)
Woody - SUPER submissive and sweet! 5/6/13 - Hi, Theresa: Just a quick update at our one week anniversary. Woody is officially Buddy now. I couldn’t handle calling one of my human best friends the same as my new canine best friend. Buddy is sort of close to Woody, and I used to call my previous dog Buddy all of the time, so I changed it. The cats have incorporated Buddy into our home. Buddy is a lot more interested in them than they are in him. Buddy gets rub/hugs in the morning, and last night one cat shared my lap with Buddy’s head. Buddy absolutely loves running in the back yard. He smiles and runs like crazy and seems to enjoy some new found freedom. I’m discovering that he has some fear of going out or coming in the door as if he’s going to get hit on the way in or out. He has adapted very well to eating and sleeping schedules, and he seems to enjoy my company. So, all in all, we’ve had a good first week. I think we have a happy no-longer-Castaway Critter. Linda
Ava - Very affectionate lap cat! 4/20/13 - Hi Annette, We think Ava is doing great and that she was an excellent choice for us. She likes to be where we are most of the time. She hasn't shown much interest in eating, but she has eaten some, both dry and canned, and has been drinking, so I'm not really worried about it at this point. She did really well during the night and even slept with us on and off. Then this morning she seemed a little upset and meowed quite a bit, but soon she was relaxed and calm again. She was probably homesick when she woke up in the "wrong" place with the "wrong" people! I love having her here! Hope Click a letter to find an animal or view all. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z