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Animal Success Stories

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Lilly - Super playful, fun lab!

8/31/12 - She hasn't jumped off the boat yet, I'm waiting for that, we keep a vest on her just in case. She loves the boat... and Saturday we watched a bunch of ducks. She was interested but really not sure what she was suppose to do...was cute to watch. She's a great dog. We've taken her to downtown Annapolis a couple of times and she just walks with us and greets everyone with a tail wag. She's enrolled in doggy day care. She loves it there... stands by the garage door in the mornings cause she wants to go. We are taking her twice a week for now.

P.O. Box 1421 •  Harrisburg, PA 17105 - 1421  •  (717) 831-5010 •  info [ at ]