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Tiger...Loves Children!Visit him at Cupboard Maker
Tiger...Loves Children!Visit him at Cupboard Maker

5/25/10 - Fluffy and Tiger are doing just great!!!! My other cat has even warmed up to them much quicker than I expected! They have been a great addition to our family! They hide under the bed any time our dog comes upstairs, but other than that, they have full run of the house now and have never missed the litter box. They have been so sweet and are very tolerant of my children always wanting to carry them around! Kayleigh loves to dress Tiger in her doll clothes and he just lets her! Thanks Annette! We love them!! Wendy :)

P.O. Box 1421 •  Harrisburg, PA 17105 - 1421  •  (717) 831-5010 •  info [ at ]