Castaway Critters, the James A. Hueholt Memorial Foundation
Offering Hope and new beginnings to the lost and forgotten, the sick, and the abandoned
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Reddy Freddie - Meet lovable lap cat at PetValu! 12/29 - Hi Annette, Freddie is doing well. I expected him to be skittish at first. But no, he made himself at home like he's been here for a while. He ate and used the little box shortly after arrival. He likes to spend time in the window, watching the birds, squirrels. I knew something REALLY piqued his interest outside the window yesterday. Upon investigation, a feral cat. He sleeps a lot -- usually on my bed -- during the day AND at night. So far, he hasn't shown interest in sitting on my lap. He just approaches me to be petted and nuzzled. Shows no interest in playing with toys. He has such a meek meow for a big cat -- just fine with me. He's a really cool, laid-back cat and I think we have a successful companionship and adoption. Nancy
Emmy - Very sweet! 12/5/16 - Emmy initially went into the family room and hid under a stand and got herself wedged. but once she was "unwedged" ... she started freely roaming ... has used the litter which we decided to put on the first floor, eating food, drinking water. Jumping up on the sofa with me ... sitting with Papa Harold on the chair and exploring everything on the first floor. I came up to email you and heard this plaintive cry so I called her and she came upstairs and appeared at my office door. I work almost exclusively out of house so now she's exploring the second floor. I showed her the bed we have for her ... so tonight or time (sometime) will tell if she uses it. She is doing a lot of meowing but it's almost like she is trying to figure out what's what. She is very affectionate like you said ... she is a keeper for sure. Again thank you very much. Jodi and Harold P.S. 12/6 - Emmy slept in our bed, on the night stand and wherever on and off throughout the night. We came down to find she had ate all the food and the water bowl was empty too.
Joni - Young, playful lap snuggler! 10/26/16 - Hello! I thought it would be nice for you to hear that since our last update Joni aka Gypsy has really settled in. She has come out of hiding and seeks out the attention from my children. She is busy playing and searching for the warm sunny spots now with Fall upon us. My two oldest children are eager to play with her and just give her attention. I must say I am surprised at Gypsy's gentleness with my youngest. Joni is gentle and will lay down for my youngest daughter to pat her. I also find it comical that my youngest daughter finds Gypsy funny and will laugh at the sight of her. I was honestly worried she would stay hidden but so happy that she has adapted wonderfully to our home. She is a keeper!! Thank you for the opportunity to take her into our home. Take Care, Emily
Lisa Lovable -Come visit me @ Petco Mechanicsburg 9/6/16 - Hi, Annette, She is doing great. I have named her Lissy. She has just made herself at home. I was surprised that she didn'ÂÂt find a hiding spot and disappear for a couple days, but she explored the whole upstairs and sleeps with me most nights. She loves the Indoor Cat Chow and is eating great. And of course she loves having her head and neck scratched and rubbed. She is laying on the floor right next to me now. But, she doesn't seem to mind when I'ÂÂm not upstairs with her. She has found a place on the bed in this room she likes to lay on and sleep and just hang out when I'ÂÂm not here. She hasn'ÂÂt been downstairs yet, even though I left the door open for her one day. So I'ÂÂm assuming she may not go down. She seems like a happy cat and must like it here; she sometimes insists on having her head scratched and if I don'ÂÂt she butts my arm till I do. Thanks for checking in. I'ÂÂll let you know how things go when I get her to the vet. Dawn
Abner - Sweet, shy lap cat 8/23/16 - Hello Annette, I just wanted to let you know Abner is adjusting nicely. There have been no litter box issues. He likes the boys and doesn't mind our dog Shadow. He loves catnip toys and my sons slippers, he has also claimed my reading chair:) I think he's comfortable and we love him as part of our family!!! Kind regards, Staci Click a letter to find an animal or view all. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z