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Emerald - Young, playful lap cat

8/15/17 - Here is your Emerald update! I'm settled into the new place & considering adding a little or big brother for her....she's such a neat eater!! Great cat! Brendan


6/17/17 - Onyx is doing great. He got used to his new home very quickly and has found his favorite hiding spots. For as brave as he is we have found he does not like the vacuum cleaner very much. Other than that, everything is good as can be. Thanks.

Chloe - Big, little lap cat!
Chloe - Big, little lap cat!

4/22/17 - Hi Annette, Chloe is settling in, we spent the afternoon together in the back bedroom getting to know each other . I put her on the bed with me ( she growled and hissed lol) and then proceeded to take a nap with me , she even came back up after a quick snack at the food bowl and then layed right next to me touching me! I believe it's all going to work out. Thank you for all you do for the cats, enjoy the rest of your weekend. Lynda 4/24/17 - Chloe is a total love bug already! Brushed her out real good yesterday, after the 3rd attempt she was loving it! Let her out of her room under supervision to start to check out rest of house and let cats see each other. So glad I took a chance on her! Lynda

Lenny - Lovable lap cat!

2/27/17 - Hi Annette, Just wanted to send you a quick email to let you know that Lenny is settling into his new home wonderfully. He hid under the couch for about an hour and then decided he was ready for some attention – he’s been acting like he owns the place ever since! I’m going to start working on some slow introductions to my dogs tonight, but he’s so confident that I don’t think he’ll have any trouble integrating with them. I’m attaching a few pictures of him enjoying himself – he’s very photogenic! Thanks for taking care of him! I think he’s going to be a wonderful addition to our family, and his funny, engaging personality is just what we need in the house to get over our grief from losing Shadow. Cady

Franken J. Wellington, III - Laid back
Franken J. Wellington, III - Laid back

1/24/17 - Hi Annette! All is well here! As you can imagine it has been a week of adjustment! I feel that Frank & Buddy are becoming friends! These pics are of them on the stairs. Buddy has taken on a leadership role and Frank has been very adventurous! Frank will be meeting his new doctor on Thurs. I mentioned the spot on his belly. We are going to look at it. He is still licking@it!Will let you know. He is a real gem of a cat! Talk soon, Brenda

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