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Mona - Lap cat, bed buddy!
Mona - Lap cat, bed buddy!

11/22/13 - Hi. Mona alias Pussycat is doing much better. She likes to snuggle up to my arm on the table or sit on Dave's chest or lap in the recliner and purrs. She's quiet and dosen't talk but she's happy. Stephen

Jackie Pickle - I'm AMAZING!
Jackie Pickle - I'm AMAZING!

Pickles is doing really well. He was at daycare over Thanksgiving, and he's still pretty tired from all that playing, and so he's been lounging all morning!


Here are some recent pictures of him!




Midnight Magnificent - Black Pearl Special!

10/4/13 - Hello Annette. The first week with Zach (formerly Midnight) has been great. Makes me sad I didn’t get him earlier! He has made himself right at home. He is always near one of us when we are sitting still. He likes to be touching us too, just has a paw laid out to make sure we are there! He and the dog (Kaitlin, adopted from CC) are now able to lay next to each other and walk around each other with no hisses. The other cats and he are great too. Looks like he found his forever home! Hope all is well with the other cats in your home. Diane and Jim 11/5/13 - Update - Hi Annette Just wanted to let you know Zach continues to be an amazing cat. He is so loving and playful and is very content here. He and the other cats are all sleeping on our bed at night and playing. He and Katie the cc dog seem too have a special connection. Many nights those two are in the room with us while the other cats are in other rooms T hanks so much for all the love you give your cats to make them great pets Diane and Jim

Liah - TERRIFIC family/kids dog!
Liah - TERRIFIC family/kids dog!

Elaine & Theresa,

We've had Liah for over 8 months now and I have to tell you that she's the perfect dog for us!  She continues to bring so much joy to our home each and every day.  She has remained an extremely timid dog -- Dr. Sarsfield said it's either from lack of socialization when she was very young or just her nature and it might take her years to recover from that, or she may not. The techs at Dauphin Co Animal Hospital always sit on the floor with Liah, but Dr. Sarsfield also did when he came into the exam room yesterday.  They're a great bunch too!


It takes her several long visits from friends and family until she's brave enough to let someone pet her, but once she trusts, you have a real friend.  She goes through this process with visitors over a period of hours where she gets brave enough to take just one sniff of the visitor, then walks back and forth a few feet in front of them until the occasional sniffs result in tentative trust enough to take a treat or a pat on the head.  We adopted Liah while our son, Shane, was away at military training.  When he came home, and also when my brother-in-law stayed with us recently, it took a day and a half until she trusted them.  It's so heartwarming to receive a texted picture of Liah curled up in the lap on the floor with her nearly made friend after so many hours of her fear.


She's loving, playful, good natured, behaves well, and, as an added bonus, is a wonderful deterrent to crime.  Although she runs and hides once someone is in the house, her ferocious bark while they're outside would scare anyone off.


The bottom line is that we couldn't love her any more and she loves and trusts us equally.  We had looked for what seemed like a very long time to find our next family dog and are so thankful to you for matching us up with our Liah.  Thanks for all the work you and all the Castaway Critters volunteers do for these aminals.


Marlene Brady.

Fernando "Fantastic" - Playful & Affectionate!

10/11/13 - Annette, Fernando is doing great. He has adjusted quite well, and has taken over being top man of the house. He is so loving and friendly and will sit on your lap and snuggle. He is quite mischievous he gets into everything if it is open he is there. He has checked out my freezer, refrigerator and my dryer. He has taken to climbing into anything he can cuddle up in – examples are any basket or box of any kind. He is learning the word NO and what he is able to climb and what he is not allowed to be on. (still working on that one) He gets along with Bentley they play all the time together. He also gets along now with both Sasha and Zeus and when the dogs want to play and he doesn’t he won’t run away he stands his ground and they are just totally baffled about that. He is defiantly an “AT You” cat. He likes everyone and is the center of attention. We love him! Denene

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