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Cassie - Declawed, Good with Dogs
Cassie - Declawed, Good with Dogs

Hi Annette - Just wanted to let you know Cassie has settled in beautifully and is quite the character! She has taken over the entire house (LOVES to sit on windowsills and watch the birds at the feeders in our backyard) and is a constant chatterbox. She and Bandit are in that "getting to know each other phase" ... they will stay in the same room together, but if he approaches her wanting to play, she takes off - - not quite ready for that yet!! They will be just fine.... We woke up to Cassie on the foot of our bed this morning - I'd say she's doing just fine!! Thanks again for all of your help - Have a wonderful day, Nance

Cassandra - Dog School Graduate
Cassandra - Dog School Graduate

4/11/08 Hi Annette, Cassie is amazing and she is now totally spoiled because she is so friendly, entertaining, and wonderful to have as our pet. My daugther says that Cassie is always purring and that Cassie seems to be so content. She does purr loud and often, loves to play and now is spending time on our screened deck, loving looking for the birds at a safe and secure location and laying in the warm sun. It is hard to believe that it has only been five months since I adopted her because it seems as if she has been here a lot longer that. Gaye

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