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Cooper - Meet me at PetValu in Lemoyne
Cooper - Meet me at PetValu in Lemoyne

9/5/14 - Hi Annette. Sorry for the delay in an update. First of all, Cooper has undergone a name change. My brother Tom visited last weekend and noted how much he looks like a lion. He suggested the name Linus whereupon I said how about Lionel. At that very moment we heard the train whistle and took that as a sign. So Cooper has officially become Lionel, which means "Little Lion." He does sleep a lot and tends to "hide" in my bedroom closet or behind the living room couch when he sleeps. But he comes out at night for affection and has taken to perching in Cassie's old dog bed on the living room floor so I am seeing more of him. Ursie is accepting him more now. I actually saw them touch noses last night! The last time she growled at Lionel was last Saturday night and that was only because she was jealous of all the attention Tom was giving him. He is so sweet and friendly to everyone. I take him to my vet tomorrow for his first checkup. Thank you so much for taking such good care of him until I could give him his furever home! Ellen P.S. I'm actually a two-time success story because Ursula (Ursie) came from Castaway in November of 2011.

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