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Jackson - LOVES to lap sit!
Jackson - LOVES to lap sit!

12/12/13 - Hi, Annette. Just wanted to let you know that Jackson is doing great in his new home with my Mom, Leona. After we left the pet store, we went right to Mom's apartment and spent some time with them to make sure all would go well. Jackson was so affectionate with us all. He was rolling around on his back and playing with me on the floor. And although my husband is kind of scary to some cats until they get to know him (I think it is because of his style of work boots or because he has kind of a loud voice, Jackson interacted with him on the sofa, too. He is responding so well with Mom, and she says she loves him to pieces already. She says she is so impressed as to how smart and well behaved he is. We are so happy that she is so happy! Thanks to all at Cast Away Critters for the work that they do. We will take some photos this weekend when we visit with Mom and Jackson. Thanks again! Chris

P.O. Box 1421 •  Harrisburg, PA 17105 - 1421  •  (717) 831-5010 •  info [ at ]