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Animal Success Stories

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Enter Kingston Kingston, the little kitten needed a Mom and Rosie needed a baby. It all worked out that day. Kingston is a wonderful gentle,loving cat that just wants to hang out with all of the other cats. He lovs to play and romp but he is very gentle. His favorite game is to race Max up the cat tree. Kingston was found on the streets in Harrisburg. He was very ill from an upper respiratory infection and was not expected to live very long. The shelter where he was,was going to put him down but once again Castaway Critters went to the rescue and brought this little guy into a loving home. His foster Mom hand fed him for weeks, getting him to eat anything that she could and giving him his medicine so that he would grow strong. She spent long hours helping the poor little kitten that weighed less than a pound grow into a handsome little kitten. Kingston is laid back and just enjoys life. He too is in his forever home. Naomi and Chris

P.O. Box 1421 •  Harrisburg, PA 17105 - 1421  •  (717) 831-5010 •  info [ at ]