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Animal Success Stories

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

We adopted Owen (formerly known as “Jinx”) in the summer of 2007 when he was almost three-months-old. He came to Castaway Critters from a high-kill shelter. He quickly made himself at home and is a wonderful part of our family. Owen is part Siamese/Snowshoe, as can be seen in his coloring and his pale blue eyes that are slightly crossed. He also enjoys water play, which is not always fun because he likes to scoop the water out of his dish onto the kitchen floor. He did jump in the hot tub recently as I was getting ready to clean it, so he may stay away from water for awhile!! He is very affectionate and loves to be petted and brushed. Owen gets along great with our 7-month-old Russian Blue mix, Charlie, and enjoys “tormenting” our Chihuahua, Molly. He likes to gnaw on her ear and lie in wait for her to come inside so that he can bat at her wagging tail as she goes by. He is a mix of affection, mischief, and attitude, and we love him. Our 14-year-old tabby, Abby, prefers to perch on the back of the sofa and watch all of the action – from a distance. I am grateful to organizations such as Castaway Critters that rescue animals and make them available to people who will love and cherish them. Thank you for Owen.

P.O. Box 1421 •  Harrisburg, PA 17105 - 1421  •  (717) 831-5010 •  info [ at ]