Castaway Critters, the James A. Hueholt Memorial Foundation
Offering Hope and new beginnings to the lost and forgotten, the sick, and the abandoned
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Animal Success Stories
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June Bug - Delightful and Declawed! Hi Annette, June Bug (now known as Elizabeth Magnolia, nicknamed Lizzie) is doing fine. She was nervous for a day or two but I kept her in my bedroom and showed her around the house gradually. She is adjusting very well and is very loving. She sits on my lap and kneads my belly whenever I sit down. She loves to sit on the windowsill and watch what is going on outside. She certainly is a people cat. I'll keep you informed. Thanks for all you did for me. Miriam One thing I forgot to mention is that Lizzie is very obedient and knows the meaning of "no, Lizzie" and "good kitty." |