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8/8/16 - Hi Barb, Getting back to you has been on my to-do list during a busy time. Lots of good news for you, though. First, as an aside, we took the liberty of renaming Romeo. Given the fact that Romeo (as a name) had a particular significance in literary matters, it seemed problematic to explain that name for a neutered cat. We have named him Charley, and he is just the dearest, most wonderful kitten. What a blessing! It's been a long time since we have had a kitten and we had forgotten how cute (and devilish) kittens can be. But Charley is a joy in every way, and he is learning, as all of our cats learned quickly, that he is in charge around here. He is developing his routine now. He sleeps on our bed (usually between us) or in a chair beside the bed, but we don't keep the door shut so this is strictly his choice. We took your good advice and kept him in our bedroom for a couple of days at first. However, we tried to make sure he couldn't get under the bed by placing items there that would prevent him from hiding. That was a mistake. I had forgotten that kittens are smarter than I am. But he is in command of the whole house now, and he seems to be very happy. I haven't met a cat that I couldn't get along with, but Charley is a particularly good match for us, and we are grateful to you and the Castaway Critters organization for placing him with us. I remember my grandmother teaching us to be kind to animals, but what I learned later was that a pet is a member of the family and, accordingly, needs to occupy a very special place within the family. We are sharing these lessons with the future generations. I have made contact with out veterinarian and have scheduled an appointment om Saturday, August 20th. Having the records you gave me is very important. Thank you for all you have done for us and for all you do for the pets you "rescue". Sincerely, Bob P.S. we are blessed to have Charley! He has warmed up to everybody, including the grandchildren and friends who have visited as well. The wonderful work you and the Castaway Critters do has brought him into our loving family. I hate to think of the alternative for him without you and the organization being there to "rescue" him. Kudos to you!

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